Welcome to Oldwood, where you can purchase luthiery products directly, conveniently, and safely. We offer handcrafted varnishes, colours and polishes, among other luthiery supplies for instrument artisans.

Our products

They are manufactured using ancient formulas and following current handling and labelling regulations. Thus, you get traditional products that fulfil legal requirements.

Sustainable luthiery: Environmental Consciousness

Every Oldwood product is adapted to be environmentally friendly. Rest assured, you are using the safest products for you and your precious instruments. Learn more about our Standards!

Our History

OldWood was founded in October 2001, formally debuting at the MONDOMUSICA instrument fair in Cremona, Italy.

We aim to supply makers and restorers of stringed instruments with a complete range of top-quality finishing luthiery products. These strive to bring out the wood’s light, warmth and natural beauty while enhancing its acoustical properties.

We work with

We are a leading specialist luthiery supplier. Our team comprises highly qualified artisans and technicians with proven experience in instrument manufacturing and industrial chemistry.

Our team of experts meticulously craft our exclusive varnishes, colours, cleaners, and polishes. These high-quality products not only enhance your instrument but also meet the ever-changing legal requirements, ensuring the best for your instrument. 

These are the pillars on which we design every new product in our catalogue. We also offer exclusive formulation services for our clients’ custom-made products.

Our 1700 System

We created the 1700 System, an easy-to-apply schematic process encompassing grounds, varnishes, oil varnishes, and natural colours. It allows us to formulate a whole world of finishes that can be used with various techniques and levels of expertise.

The 1700 System strives to balance an instrument’s beauty and musical quality while helping it age nobly and elegantly and easing the luthier’s task. 

Our process for creating the 1700 System is meticulous. We start with carefully selected raw materials and follow proven directions found in old manuscripts. We then apply strict quality controls to ensure the reliability and high standard of our product.